i seek the light

©2005 Lawrence A. McFadden. All rights reserved.
be kind
follow your heart
learn to be true
learn i love you
know your charms
find your grace
reach peace
every step a dance
each breath
an inspiration
in the wake
of your day

like the life of a leaf
i wander and roam
finding my way home
welcome home
underfeet a leaf under
stood undercovers under
wonder through the blue
of you being amused
with a smile across
the sky as wide as
your mind
widemind under
wonder a hum a chant
a prayer a naked laugh
aware to rest here
with you because
you understand
the life of a leaf

in the sky
in the quiet chaos
of the clouds i am asked
through whose eyes do i see
i relive every consequence
of my life in my exploration
of life as i walk this forest
floor of the underworld
i am like the bare trees
in my poverty of empty
arms reaching reaching
for an answer more more
than i don't know
my question of the sky
i dream of all these
years in preparation
of what responsibility
i am not allowed to seek
into the future

again i could not see
the harm in my wants
i tried to become
something other
than human
and wanted to be something
i saw others become
instead of being

i am weak
with an inner
strength like a bear
in winter hides like
the stars in the sky
my strength is there
with you
look for power and i
will be gone look
for love and love
in my dreams
of you this bliss
streams from my eyes
in a river to this world
within the words
i love you

use me my muse
i find you in my thoughts
here and now
i find you in my heart
and soul
blessed with bliss
i feel you and i feel
i feel you feel me
our esctasy
use me my muse
my joy my shadow
my sisters create

you are the chime
of the wind the spirit
of the flock the medicine
of my path
i know you've understood
you know i've done
the best i could
may i touch you
with your love
and feel for forever
in the moments we are
together when we are
the bridge of our being

say i hear
you don't listen
i feel your words
from every direction
and distance
i watch what i say
and what it might
and know
there is no silence
left unsaid no word
through these worlds
of words each illusion
every time i hear
listen here

like a child
i was reminded
by the snow tonight
of when i was
with you when the snow
was our light and i felt
the calm the stillness
the sound of falling
flake and i cannot help
the grin i get with a beard
full of the hush of snow
this bliss this gift this bow
i saw god many times
again for the first time
i was shown creation
in silence in rhyme
in presence
i rejoice
in you the voice
the spirit the snow

broken arrows
love is the greatest
power there is
nothing sacred
in hate
the rain the fire
darkness light
the truth the spirit
the might of life
a wisdom
do you know
what you have

i do not remember
the sound of the first
drum i did not see
the first rainbow
yet every time the beat
occurs the sight appears
everlasting and sacred
again i hear the flutter
of feathers i felt again
within my being the dove
your spirit of peace
and love and prophesy
you give me rainbow tribe
eyes medicine of the bow
and healing hands full
of hope and braided desire
to seek the light the beam
through her dreams
through this world
through the bridge
of our being one
of her children one
of her drums one
of her doves

so long
i've been gone
out of my head
out of my words
out of this world
in my dreams
where snow is fire
and the word soul
is a verb spoken
with desire
call me crazy
of course i'm insane
taught to fear and dread
to heal instead
listen to your heart
hear your love
she is calling you
with love with light
with peace within
the spirit of earth

in the woods of the soul
in the forest of our church
where time is an eternity
each day i keep close
to the fire i keep close
to my heart
and have great
talk and laughter
and i will dream
in ecstasy tonight
in the colors of my life
in the sounds of my love
in flight to heal
my wounds my strife
my brothers my sisters
on this journey a path
of medicine and light

to soar in spirit
with the blackbird
raven crow and buzzard
birds of majick and mystery
birds of creation and rebirth
to those who have died
many times deep within
my cry in here clear
and alive and i wander
why in wonder in awe
sometimes awefully glad
awefully sad awefully mad
awefully blessed to die
these lives these ego deaths
to empty me to be with spirit
within selflessly in
purpose and creation
a celebration
of feathers

i stay behind
and tend the fire
as evening mends
the afternoon
i think of you
and my tears
become jewels
of solitude and
these words are
heart and soul
close to you
as light as a feather
as you read this
perhaps i will hear
the morning dove
and again think
of you at dusk
and at dawn
you can see my
smile my gleam
i sing this song
to you as we
rejoice on the
path we share

mother god
in vien
christ i fell
in love
with everyone
of you
i want to hear
every variation
i want to feel
every vibration
i see our love
in every dream
that comes true
your tiny truths
the spirit
that helps me
through my days
sister jesus
please teach me
with your wisdom
what is hidden
in the darkness
of our lives
may we light
the world again
with love

back in again in the in sane asylum
and the first crazy to talk to me
tells how venus has a moon
in the shape of a teardrop

i needed the rain to wash me
i needed pain to stop me

black ice

the spirit did not leave me
and a late snowflake melted
on the tip of my nose

one flew east
one flew west
all are blessed
in the cuckoo's nest


look up
where trees wander
and circle the sky
without sacrifice
i would not be
hear within
this womb this seed
in the earth in deed
your garden of dreams
my life still nourished
with your ecstasy

i swallowed the black sky
the moon a pearl upon
my tongue melting me
into your dream
i may not sleep this night
nor the next and i did
not sleep the last
did i miss
the early morning mists
where there are no definitions
where there are no meanings
where only reason can go
in a time of truth
i feel this moment
becomes every moment
every where when
i know i don't know
i hear you'll see

i remember my mind
white with roar
in a vessel designed
for war deep in crave
far from shore
still this bright spring
day haunts me more
the want of you
i am not sure
my strength is yours
i ask myself my whys
to the poet truth
is my guide i sigh
another ocean my path
of yours the depths
of devotion

i throw away everything
in my head like a garage sale
sleeping with only truth
and compassion looking
for love i wander all day
the emptiness and wonder
of all night alone i make
god laugh trying to figure
out why i have this need
for you to complete me
superman underdog
both and neither
when i see you dream
the sight brings me
peace one heart
when i wait for you
to awaken this time
brings me light
one might smile truely
filling my eyes with
glee deeply your laugh
nourishing me when
i dream you are real
spiralling with me
in this dream need
must i roam

the edge of knowledge
where warriors worry
certainly a uncertainty
like a tattoo trust
like a tool love
like life laugh
you are the wild orchid
the purple iris the dandylion
unique in every shadow
every ray every step
along your way each
peek to dream and
awaken to dream
and awaken to dream
and awaken to become
a song to be sung
a hum in the perfection
of light and the surrender
of the night

your lesson of many
sessions a habitual
ritual of light and love
the reach of peace the
worth of verse the proof
of truth the math of
path heal the feel feel
the heal glow the soul
say the ray speak the
peek map the sap here
hear art the heart ask
the task mine the mind
seek the peaks walk the
talk strive to thrive this
is why i search this is
why i wander this is why
i wonder this is why my
name is a flame

on the outskirts
close to the thread
the fringe of your
dream i can enhance
the chance the creation
the trance the mystery
that sustains the spirit
the love the light within
with kindness i can find
ways to heal with joy
i can find ways to
celebrate with you
i can find ways
to awaken

these full moon summer
solstice nights are teaching me
the right ways to be wrong
the crazy ways weakness
can be strong and i become
suspicious of my suspicions
i have held for so long
in the darkness of my heart
yes a cry is heard from
within to face the moon
and taste a tear for this tiny
night a shake of the vibe
of my life a hum that i am
not done a sum of all
my fears in the leap of light
from the sun to the moon
deep into my eyes deep into
the night deep into delight
deep into flight

you can see
in my words
i seek the light
with my words
i seek the spirit
mother may i
this blessed art
of heart and feather
i hear my father call
strong and distant
timelessly sacredly
now as ancient
as the alphabet
i feel my soul
feel my bliss
i feel you can
so clearly see me
you laugh
at yourselves
"The end"