one of her children

©2004 Lawrence A. McFadden. All rights reserved.
"Love is the greatest power"

her love
is my burden
as light as a feather
together she bends
and mends me
i keep her in my heart
and she keeps me
in wonder
i feel her hands heal
like a prayer
like a faith
like a fate
she is the rays
of my ways
i sing these songs
of her to you hopefully
so you can feel her

i am like a tree
trying to command
the wind with roots
searching searching
for the she
my shadow my shade
ash and dust
i dream of her
grown next to me
i dream of her
sunkissed in moonbliss
i face the fact i am
alone who am i without
you i am still in your
thoughts and the wind
you guide me through
my fatal flaws my hell
searching searching
for she
i feed on what i'm fed
and what i feed
grace my embrace i too
want to walk through
the eyes of sacred love
and touch through
the emptiness of time
and space and the wind
in kind carries this song
like a seed

would you believe
there wasn't a better day
than today
i arise from the womb of winter
from the wound of loneliness
from my ash of time
to the cross eyed sky
i have survived confusion
chaos and desire
now you can see what
the warm winds melt
in me a ease a day deep
in ecstasy deep in dream
deeper than memory
a serenity a timeless
kindness hums in me
as ancient as the glory
of today
who needs to sing
in praise of the journey
who needs words for this
mystery who needs to
wonder why?
i do i am a who

i run to the sun
with all my might
on this moonlit path
my hands filled with hope
cupped with her thoughts
on sips of her love
and heartfelt desires
the beauty and wonder
of this wonderfull world
i stop in awe caught on
the thought i need not
run need not walk
taught my words are
no longer my feet
i must speak with all
my heart

i was touched
i felt the sky shine
a moon full of shimmers
the moon a monument
to this moment
each star streams
with rays i feel with
words like sticks and stones
in the warmth of the fire
just right just a little
just might
the spirit in the embers
moonlight where night
is a mirror a wall a window
a view beaming dreaming
with infinity with
divinity with twilight
tonight i see you
i feel you i love
you anew

i sense beyond
the senses i look
with touch i hear
with my tongue i lick
my thoughts i feel
all around me inside
is a frayed knot of babylon
and i struggle to unravel
each thread each dread
every shred of my life
and i have found feathers
embedded in the sky
diamonds in my mine
of my mind peace within
my belly of the beast
how where what when
who i feel you as i ask
myself why you are
my wonderfull wonder
you guide me as i walk
the path of a thought
i am often like a rock
tossed in your waters
effortlessly you smooth
me in the wake of my
dreams on my journey
through the mystery
through the darkness
you have guided me
with the light of the
soul bolder and bolder
till i am a grain of sand
resting on your sacred
shores from the ripples
in time

the wonderfull
will of the spirit
deep and dependable
the moonlit wish
the sacred twist
the shape thought
takes being one
of many like a flock
finding courage
is within
fear finding hope
is within
tears finding peace
is within
reach being one
of many wanderers
within the wands
of wonder

flesh and spirit become one
like forefinger and thumb
i see i see the walk of the talking
knee i'll bow for every reach
a tonguefull of vowels constantly
a mouthfull of earth a handfull
of fire my mind like a breeze
at times chaos at times free
the rage and tranquility
of the sea within me selflessly
versed my being a spirit
of the earth

i see you
with my love
in my heart in
my head in my life
to make a mistake
i hush and trust
the crystal of her
light the minstrel
of life to lose and
not be lost to carry
the strength the might
the vision of her love
in the wake of my
mistake in sight
in the unity of black
and white

wild goose chase
the flutter i feel
when i release and fly or flop
through the groove through
the sky i arise each day
and walk through my
darkness into the light
of the night a new path
with each step a new past
with each breath a wonder
with every beat of my heart
a hum a drum a new song
to be sung in the aftermath
of today in the afterglow
of tonight i alight

my journey
the medicine
of my path following
feathers of light like
the wings of geese
in flight i ease others
on their quests through
life friendship a mate
of spirit and faiths
together within the
v of the thoughtfull
dove of love
there is great beauty
in what we do with
heart and mind
as one

i brush the feathers
from my beard
and there is an owl
in my coffee cup
seems like last night
was the rest of my life
seems like today
is all of my tomorrows
seems like tonight
i lived all day
in dreamlight

there is nothing
above me there is
nothing below me no
beginning no end your
song may be sung forever
i sing the light of the soul
timelessly eternally sacredly
returning time and time
again like the wind on a
hard winters night like
the moon upon the tides
these words are the leaves
of the trees the rain to thirsty
streams the sun upon the dew
the voice of solitude the warmth
of the fire when love touches
you to sing the songs of the soul

hazard a guess
i close my eyes and wonder
why i search my soul
i speak no words and wonder
can you hear me
i open my heart and wonder
can you feel me
i see you in me i see
me in you like the mirror
in the sky crazy clouds
and starry nights
in the thunder of our lives
i wish you bliss i wish
you the gift of kindness
i wish for you your every wish
i close my eyes
and wish for you and hope
you wonder why

i clink with you
with a feeling a energy a spirituality
i am not told where i will flow
but i have learned to let go
those that try to put out the fire
are the ones burned by the flames
on this longest of holy nights
may we step into the blaze
of eternity and dance through
our dream to an endless drum
the beat of every heart
in the rhythm between fire
and ice in every shadow
and ray of light drink with me
and we will sing in ecstasy
of the goddess within us
from the dawn of all mankind
let us work together to heal
ourselves and our sacred
mother earth

carry the strength
of the spirit
one with the spirit
in timelessness
since day one
earth has a song
all have sung
the communion of all
tongues in the village
all are heard all are
blessed none the less
none the wiser
each a gift of the earth
open the wind
and pour the rivers
of your soul

the eye of the i
i am given the tasks
of words and eye reply
in kindness with the
earth moon and sky
show me who i am
when i open myself
up to you the medicine
of who we are eye am
who you are do you
not see with the i too
share with me the
wonder the joy the
beauty of who we
are i live my eye
in a poets dream

unlocked clock

lovelight upon a time once
again today insight the medicine
of the bow an arrow through
this world of words the question
of the call of the spirit the
question of purpose the question
of desire hopefully helpfull and
helpfully hopefull in the timeless
occurrences of this current

my eyes cloud with rain
and i drink like a drowning
man with fear in the wake
of my life i listen to the mirror
of the sky the voice in your
eyes the secret of your touch
inside the wrinkle in time
i hated life so much i knew
i would live a long long
time and i have died again
and again in the birth
of many lives inside this
time this way today

within we have
a shield the mirror
of your love i feel
healed for the time
being forever for now
i feel the earth i feel
the moon i feel the
truth as deep as roots
for the first time
i felt myself and cried
in ecstasy

braided flames
embers of the elders
the lesson of my deepest
desire i strive for the
peace and love of open
hearts the many voices
sing the glory the beauty
of the spirit the songs
of our mother earth
in needs in deeds in seeds
for her to heal feel her

of the crippled
i come to her
in silent shoes
as soft as a whispered
thought nurse me
i grieve my pain
is all i see the wound
of the shaman
who do the lame blame
i work to forgive
what is taken
to find strength
and thanks in sacrifice
to earn the walk of life
with dignity i offer my
bowl of peacefull souls
for your flames
of blame

listen to me
explain my pain
i ask of god
and god asks of me
to surrender
and remember
to be thankfull
for the sacrifice
thankfull for what
i don't have
thankfull for what
i don't want
that love without
personal wants or
gains is pure
and true
how many times
do i need
to be reminded
of every blessing
every dream every
gift i ‘ve been given
to see to believe
to let go of control

my thoughts twist my words
in knots my eyes are fire
with my wants
i seek to free the spirit
of the wind within
to braid the flames again
like the feathers and trees
bend to blend the breeze
i ask her please guide me
with each breath with each
step of desire

when i am within the lodge of mother god
i can see the universe above and all those
around me become the ancient ones as far
as time can see
many hands reach for me like a tree
as i leave and i hear feathers sing
sing with light the songs in my palms
i have raised in praise of our mother
earth the call to give my all

her hummingbird sips
from my lips and her dove
is the love of my heart
my journey is the steepest
when i am the weakest
and my greatest reach
is peace i have no strategy
in all the ifs and shoulds
coulds and woulds there
is no math to my path
only these words
from where i've been

Be carefull she says
i'll trick you into believing in
anything you believe in
And truely i saw egad
i believe in me
Her eyes sparkled
me too
the spirit in me is
everywhere and speaks
through the heart
let our light shine
with our love

she shows me
its all god's garden
my god i cry look at
what is done in your name
i rage why do i keenly feel
the wound of the world
i am only human
she smiles
and i see her hands
release a dove in the
direction of my life

into the darkness
in your eyes in your love
i see endlessly
again she whispers
all you see in me
you see in yourself
over there beyond
yonder beyond
wander look
she giggles
write to me without
words and tips her
finger on my nose
i laugh
in perfect english

i carry my daughter
without waking her
into her dreams
i rest assured
her coax is my cloak
worn on our path
you can see her
smile in my eyes
i wear her charm
proudly softly kindly
for my mother earth
with her in verse

she understands
the beat of my heart
she knows my every
i ask of her please
though i may not know
may i see
though i may not see
may i know
i sense your strength
i sense the wind
i sense the trees
i sense the truth
i sense see
through your love
a kindness a clarity
simple and free
clear through you
clear through me
the light the spirit
the mystery

when a flower blooms
the whole world
is more beautiful
i blind myself
to the past and the
future and pause
in your embrace
i wonder where
this path goes
today hopefully
where my daughter
plays with words
full of giggles
and i am again
her age
i don't know how
real i really am
in la la land

in the space
of a thought within
the embers of the elders
from the blaze of the moon
to the molten core
of her world
her love her gift giving
this day in love in thanks
in praise of the spirit
in a space of my ash
of time a kindness a hope
a blessing mother mary
pray for me
my task was to find her
and sister jesus brought
me to you
for your wisdom for
your purpose for
my faith

the bow
of moonlit winters night
the sight of the snow aglow
again in my soul
words like snowflakes
her voice tastes so sweet
love is the greatest power
my child my wise eyes cry
broken arrows as crisp
as crystal light like the halo
of the moon on a moonlit
winters night

sister jesus
hear my heart
the day after tomorrow
so that i may love
mother god
hear my heart
the day after tomorrow
so that we may live

in awe
i saw all of my love
today and felt her
hug everywhere
like a parade of trees
the tree that says
stay with me
the tree that says
come with me
the tree that says
root for me
i say will the river
ever stop will the wind
never blow sometimes
i see clear through me
this the sum of all worth
peace on earth

let the world
embrace you
let your cry
be heard
fall like the rain
into the glorious
streams of every dream
within you
reach inside for the
light to awaken you
for the peace
that awaits you
for the love
that becomes you

"The end"